Quality Assurance Check of Data Entry
Laboratory Managers...Freedom Imaging Systems' RICAR FreeAudit program is designed to allow management the option to verify data entered into the laboratory information systems (LIS) from requisitions, providing a quality assurance check of data entry staff. By taking the extra step to audit LIS entered data from paper requisitions, or HL7 information received from clients, you can get to the root of data entry errors, problematic sites, client related issues and more. Studies show data entry errors range from 10 to 650 errors per 10,000 fields.* Catch these errors on the front end and get them resolved early. Identify and eliminate the problem areas that have been the cause of patient and customer complaints.
How does it work?FreeAudit works directly with the data that exists within the Laboratory Information System (LIS); and we'll work with you to configure the data verification which you're looking to analyze. You determine who is audited — by user; it can also be used to audit at the client level too. You determine what you want audited — tests, patient or billing information. You can determine the specifics of the audit or leave it to Freedom. For example, if you have a new employee that just finished training, you may want to audit 100% of their data entry while Sally, who has been here ten years, audit only 10%. Is a client sending your lab an HL7 file with missing information? Segregate that client so you can monitor them and specifically address their gaps in HL7 information. The program uses an algorithm to randomly choose accessions to audit. Then generate actionable reports by users or client to provide statistics regarding correct, incorrect and missing data.

Within a split screen, your document on one side (laboratory requisition) and FreeAudit on the other, you're able to quickly review accuracy of data entry.
Why wait to start auditing your data entry?FreeAudit generates reports ensuring decision makers stay on top of productivity and quality assurance. Keep your finger on the pulse of your business. Know at any given moment the credibility of the data. With a watchful eye on your bottom line and accuracy of data you'll improve your processes leading to better customer service and reduced resources. Improving quality on front end simply makes the rest of laboratory tasks easier — including billing.
- Your benefits start here:
- Track employee quality and productivity levels.
- Create opportunities for employee education and training.
- Get to the root of problem sites/client issues and resolve.
How do I get RICAR FreeAudit? If you're interested in speaking with one of our content and document management specialists about ways Freedom Imaging Systems' FreeAudit can help your organization, contact us at 734.327.5600, or visit our website at www. freedomimagingsystems.com.
*Source: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)